Star Ruby & Star Sapphire Stones
Star Ruby & Star Sapphire Stones
All gemstones in this category are AAA in quality
Star Sapphire Gemstones
Star Sapphire gemstones are a rare type of Sapphire with potent healing properties. These striking stones have a star-like display known as asterism on the surface. This happens because of the microscopic inclusion. Besides, asterism highlights especially when one views it under the direct source of light.
Star Sapphires are available in two types- Natural Star Sapphire and Synthetic Star Sapphire. Both of them have similar composition but varies in some elements.
Natural Star Sapphire
The real star sapphire is available in a variety of colours, with each tone having extraordinary metaphysical significance. Due to its formation in the minerals of corundum, a Star Sapphire is one of the most potent gems. They are often cut into a variety of sizes and cabochon shapes, keeping a high dome. This helps to highlight the star-like effect when you look from the top.
Features of Natural Star Sapphire
- Chemical Formula: Al2O3
- Hardness: 9 Mohs Scale
- Refractive Index: 1.71 – 1.74
- Density: 3.58 – 3.61
- Diaphaneity Translucent: Opaque
Healing Properties
Wearing a natural star sapphire stone in the form of bracelets, earrings, and pendants can benefit you immensely. It is the birthstone to those who are born in September.
They are great for making jewellery products like pendants, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and more.
Synthetic Star Sapphire
Though the natural star Sapphire has beneficial healing properties and has a striking appeal, it is rare to find. Additionally, the natural star sapphires are highly expensive that prevents all to buy them.
If you are looking to buy a star sapphire gemstone, then you can get an alternative. A synthetic star sapphire gemstone comes with similar compositions and properties at a lesser price. So why not get them instead of buying an expensive natural star sapphire?
Here also, the direct light strikes the scars present in the gemstone to reflect the inclusions. This appears as a narrow light band that intersects together to form a star pattern.
Like their natural counterpart, a synthetic star sapphire usually comes with a cabochon cut. So, be it heart cabochon, marquise cabochon, oval cabochon, pear cabochon or round cabochon, you can get them in all shapes. Plus, the researchers use the flame fusion method or Verneuil process to create the synthetic version.
The powdered chemicals undergo high heat and pressure to molten them. Then they continuously fall from the hear onto the rotating pedestal to create a synthetic star sapphire. Hence, their physical, chemical and optical properties remain the same as their natural versions.
Synthetic star sapphire is available in lighter and darker violet colours at affordable prices.
- Chemical Composition: Al2O3 (Aluminium Oxide)
- Hardness: 9
- Refractive Index: 1.762 – 1.77
- Specific Gravity: 3.95 – 4.1
- Density: 3.58 – 3.98
Healing Properties
Synthetic star sapphire also comes with vast healing properties. They can eliminate toxic vibes and adverse effects from the wearer.
Just like real star sapphires, you can embed the synthetic version to make bracelets, beads, earrings and other jewellery products.